Thursday, July 18, 2013

 sun flower (Helianthus annuus)

  This is a very beautiful annual herb. It’s Family name is “ASTERACEAE”.   This herb use for many Ayurvedic Treatments(Rheumatic pains, Spider bites, Snake bites, Sores, Pulmonary Complaints, Malaria, High Fevers). Leaves, Seeds and Leaves use to treatments. It is 1-4 m tall. Leaves up to 21 cm long, 15 cm broad, cordate, margin dentate. Flower heads 7-15 cm diameter; peduncles solid; disc florets brown, ray- florets yellow; each flower about 7.5-12.5 cm across; disc florets smells musty. Achenes dark brown, 5-6 mm long. Pappus deciduous.

 Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)

 This is plant Family name is “CUCURBITACEAE”. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Jaundice, Tuberculosis , Coughs, Gonorrhea, Urinary difficulties , Gastritis, Headaches , Mental diseases, Excessive thirst , Arthritis, insomnia, Fevers). Whole climber , Seeds and Fruits use to treatments. It is tendril climber with6-angled stems. Leaves simple, 14-20 cm long, and as broad, ovate, deeply cordate at base, faintly 5-lobed, softly hairy, dentate; petioles about 9-13 cm long, pubescent. Flowers brownish white, monoecious. Fruit large, dumbbell-shaped, indehiscent. Seeds many, white, compressed, with a marginal groove.

Green taro (Colocasia esculenta) 

    This is a Tuberous or erect herbs. Stems thick (to 15 cm) , mostly this grow on wet place. It’s Family name is “ARACEAE”. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Aphthous ulcers, Insect stings, Piles, Otorrhoea, Earache, Arterial hemorrhages ). Corm , Petioles and Leaves use for treatments., spreading by coppery runners. Leaf blade cordate, peltate for 3 cm or more. Spathe c. 35cm long, green for lower 6 cm and persistent, blade bright yellow to orange, flexing open near base, then deflexing and dropped. Spadix to 30cm.

   Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

  This is a world famous tree. This is a very important  tree.  it’s Family name is  LYTHRACEAE”.  This is use for many products in the world and This is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Gonorrhoea , Leprosy, Skin diseases, Splenomegaly, Jaundice, Hysteria). Flowers , Bark , Root and Leaves use for treatments. large shrub, sometimes lateral branches end in spines. Flowers in terminal cymose panicles. Petals cream. Fruit is a capsule, brown when mature. Commonly grown as a hedge plant. Leaves yield a dye used as a manicure.

Scientific name: (Hydrocera triflora).

   This is a beautiful small tree. it’s Family name is “BALSAMINACEAE”. This is use for treatment to Calosity. It’s  leaves spirally arranged, deep green above, pale beneath, the base and midrib sometimes tinged with red, lamina 12 – 27 X 0.6 – 3.7 cm, linear-lanceolate to linear-elliptic or elliptic, cuneate at the base, the apex acute to long-acuminate, margins serrate. Inflorescence a short 3 – 5-flowered raceme, horizontal to semi-pendulous, flowers pink tinged with carmine or purplish. Fruits a fleshy pseudoberry, 8 – 10 X 7 – 8 mm, pentagonal in cross-section with rounded angles, short-beaked, pale green but becoming reddish or purplish-red.

Scientific name: (Horsfieldia iryaghedhi)

   This is a Tree. It is grow up to  6 – 25 m tall. It’s Family name is  MYRISTICACEAE”.  This is use for few treatments (Wasting diseases, Hiccough, Dysentery). Flowers and Bark use for treatments. It ‘s leaves lamina 11 – 27 X 4 – 13cm, acute- acuminate at apex, rounded to attenuate at base, glabrous above, glabrescent beneath, drying dark-brown to dark-olive. Male inflorescence 6 – 15 X 4 – 10 cm, simple or more usually 2-branched, densely pubescent. Female inflorescence much smaller thanmale, 1.5 – 4 X 1.5 – 2 cm, densely pubescent. Fruit ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid, rounded at both ends, rusty-yellow pubescent, with stellate hairs at times, partly glabrescent, dark-brown; pericarp c. 3 mm thick.

 Puwak gediya wel(Hiptage benghalensis )

   “MALPIGHIACEAE” is name of this plant. This is very  special  to Aiyiurveda. This is use for mane Ayurvedic treatments (Rheumatism, Scabies, Leprosy, Inflammation, Inflammation, Coughs, Ulcers, Wounds, Cardiac debility). Flowers, Leaves and Bark  use  for treatments.This is a vine, scandent shrub, or shrub or small tree when support is lacking. Fully developed leaves on thick petioles c. 1 cm long, blades lanceolate to ovate to almost royund, rounded to cuneate at base, acute to acuminate at tip8 – 16 cm long, 4 – 8 cm broad, reticulate-vieny both above and below, with fine, appressed dolabriform hairs across the entire lower surface. Flowers in axillary and terminal racemes, these sometimes collected into panicles. Samaras potentially three per flower, but usually only one developing, each 3-winged, the wings papery, thinly hairy.

IndianHeliotrope(Heliotropium indicum ) 

   This is Herb. This herb family name is  BORAGINACEAE”.  This herb is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Paralysis, Eye Diseases, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Venereal Diseases, Cancers, Tumours, Diaarrhoea, Skin diseases, Convulsions , Epilepsy) and much more. It is  coarse, sometimes suffrutescent, it is grow  to 1.1 m tall. Leaves alternate, ovate or deltoid, 11 X 8 cm, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, acute, the margins undulate, the base rounded to obtuse and long –attenuate. Inflorescence scorpioid cymes, unilateral, mostly terminal, flowers small, sessile, blue, violet, or rarely white. Fruit deeply 4-lobed, the lobes horizontally divergent, nutlets in pair, angulate.

Scientific name: (Hedyotis neesiana ).

 This is a herb. This herb’s Family name is  RUBIACEAE”.  leaves sub-sessile , variable in size and shape, coriaceous, above minutely scabrid on the margins, below minutely scabrid on the midrib, apex acute to acuminate, base merging in to the stipules. Flowers homostylous, subsessile or shortly pedicelled. Capsule globose to ovoid, slightly ribbed, dehiscence longitudinal from the apex. Seeds 6 – 15 per placenta, pale brown, somewhat smooth, slightly reticulate.

Scientific name: ( Hernandia nymphaeifolia)

  This is a evergreen tree. This plant’s seeds has a cover like a net.  It’s Family name is “HERNANDIACEAE”.It is grow up to 13 m tall. Leaves ovate, 10 – 20 X 8 – 20 cm, base rounded, rarely slightly cordate, apex acute to subacute, sometimes shortly acuminate, glabrous, shiny above and paler beneath. Inflorescence leafy, female flowers; white, staminodes 4, orange yellow; male flowers slightly smaller, texture and colour similar to that of female flowers. Fruit roundish or ellipsoid, with a transparent fleshy greenish involucer, open at the distal end. Seeds black with ridged testa.

Scientific name: ( Hibiscus furcatus).

  This is a scrambling or climbing plant.  It’s Family name is “MALVACEAE”.  It is use for few treatments (Wounds, Cysts). Flowers, Leaves and Roots use for treatments. It is semi-shrubby perennial, with a tomentose or glabrous stem set with numerous, scattered, sharp,hooked prickles. Leaves, with long petioles, simple, stipulate, 5-8cm long, deeply palmately cut into 3-5 laceolate, serrate segments, prickly on veins beneath. Flowers large, yellow with a dark crimson centre, 6.3-10 cm long, pedicels 2.5-7.5cm long, very prickly. Fruit a conical-ovoid capsule, 1.2 cm long, pointed, enclosed in a enlarged calyx which is covered with hairs.

Sea hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)

  This is a tree. It Family name is “MALVACEAE”. Usually This is use for Ayurvedic treatments (Pulmonary diseases, Coughs, Bronchitis, Dysentery, Fever).  Leaves and Bark use for treatments. It is grow  up to 7 m or more, or profusely branched large shrub. Leaves suborbicular, deeply cordate at base, apex abruptly acuminate, lamina 11-15 X 10-14 cm, palmately veined from base, veins impressed above, slit like extra floral nectar at the base of vein. Flowers solitary, axillary, up to 9 cm in diameter, yellow with crimson to maroon-red center. Capsule (fruit) about 2 cm long. Widespread particularly along coasts.

Bush sorrel (Hibiscus surattensis )

  This is a Herb or shrub. It is grow up to 1.5 m or more. This plant Family name is “MALVACEAE”. This is a special herb to Ayurveda. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments. ( Oedema, Fevers, subcutaneous parasitic infections, Venereal disease, Pulmonary diseases, Convulsions, Spasm, Epilepsy,Paralysis).  Fruits , Roots , and Leaves  use to treatments.This is stems slender, pubescent with hairs. Leaf lamina 4.5-9x5-11.5(-3) cm, deeply 3-5-palmately-lobed; petioles 4-10 cm long. Flowers yellow with purple centre, solitary, axillary, 10 cm diameter; pediciles up to 6 cm or more; corolla lobes 3-5 x1.5-4.5 cm . Capsule 12-15 x 10-12 mm.

  Barley (Hordeum vulgare)

 Barly Is world famous plant. It can cool down human body. It’s family name is “POACEAE”.It has lot of vitamins and Minerals. Some peole called this  White rice. the staple food in Japan, is a high glycemic index food. It can glucose levels were lower after meals when subjects switched from rice to barley. Much people drink this. It is small plant30-80 cm tall. It has 80- 102 seeds. 

 Ceylon hydrolea (Hydrolea zeylanica ).

  This plant’s family name is “HYDROPHYLLACEAE”. It is use few treatment(Callus ulcers). it is  herbaceous perennial, Soft, but flowering the first year from seed, therefore seemingly annual, 7 – 100 cm tall or more. Leaves glabrous or very thinly pubescent on the petiole, veiny below, lanceolate to elliptic, 2 – 12 cm long, 6 – 12 mm wide, on winged petioles up to 5 mm long. Flowers in irregularly bracted racemes or panicles, the inflorescence branches, pedicels, and calyces stipitate glandular. Fruit capsular, 4 – 4.5 mm high, septicidally dehiscent, seated in the persistent calyx. Seeds numerous, less than 0.5 mm long.

Marsh Barbel(Hygrophila schulli )

  This herb growing on wet places. It’s Family name is “ACANTHACEAE”.This herb is use for Ayurvedic Treatments(Rheumatism, Anasarca, Gonorrhoea, Hepatic diseases, Kidney stones, Oedema, Dysentery, Dysentery).This is Perennial herb of moist or wet places. Roots  and  seeds use to treatments. It is Stem erect, to 1.45 m high, armed with axillary spines to 2-7 cm long. Leaves in whorls of 6, elliptic lanceolate, acute at apex, entire at margins, hispid above. Flowers 6-8 in a whorl, bracts lanceolate, corolla purplish-blue, tube 1.7 cm long, stamens exerted. Capsule oblong-lanceolate, to 1 cm long; seeds orbicular, to 0.76 mm broad.

Scientific name: (Hedyotis fruticosa)

   RUBIACEAE” is Family name of this tree.this is a Shrub or small tree, 4 m high. Leaves (4-) 1-4 cm, drying yello-green to brown. Petiole up to 1 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, cymose. Flowers heterostylous. Corolla infudibular, tube 2-3 mm long. Capsule globose, 2-3 x 1.5-2. mm. Seeds 3-6(-9), dark brown.

Scientific name:  (Hibiscus micranthus) 
This plant’s Family name is “MALVACEAE”. This plant use for many Ayurvedic treatments(Venereal Diseases, Mucosal Diseases, Insanity, Ear Diseases, Venomous stings, Stomach Diseases, Kidney Diseases)and more. Specially Some people use this plant used for snake bites.

Haldu(Haldina cordifolia)

   This is a deciduous tree. It’s family name is “RUBIACEAE”. This is use for few Ayurvedic treatments(Dysentery, Sores). Bark and Leaves use to treatments. It is  7-30(-40) m tall, bole often buttressed, fluted, bark reddish brown. Leaves (5-)8-16 (-25) x (5-)8-16(-21) cm, usually drying pallid to yellowish green . Petiole 2-12 cm long. Flowering heads yellowish. Corolla 7-9 mm long, tube 5-6 mm long. Fruitlets 4-5 mm long. Seeds ovoid, bilaterally flattened’.

Scientific name:  (Heritiera littoralis)

    This is a mangrove tree. It’s Family name is  STERCULIACEAE”. It is grow up to 4-15 m tall. Leaves oblong-ovate to elliptic-ovate and 9-20 cm long; leaf tip pointed or blunt, the base usually rounded, the upper surface smooth and shining, and the lower surface densely covered with small, round, pale or silvery-white scales. Flowers numerous, yellowish-green, bell-shaped, about 5 mm long, usually 5-toothed and borne on hairy panicles 7-15 cm long. Fruit is hard and shining, woody, smooth, broadly boat-shaped, 4-8 cm long, and keeled.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

 Gulmohar (Delonix regia ).

      This is a Very beautiful flowering tree. It’s Family name is “FABACEAE.This tree also use for treatments (Diabetes mellitus, Snake bites).  Seeds, Leaves and Bark use to treatments. It is  tall  more than 12 15,  leaves with 8-20(-25) pairs of pinnae, each pinnae with 10-25(-40) pairs of leaflets; leaflets 7 mm long,3 mm wide; inflorescences corymbose racems, lateral or terminal; one petal white, the others flame-red; fruit linear-oblong, (30)40-60(-80) cm long, 4-7 cm wide.

Scientific name:  
(Hydrophylax maritime)

   This is a Perennial prostrate herb. It’s Family name is “RUBIACEAE”. This plant  use for Ayurvedic treatments(Liver Diseases, Skin Diseases, Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Arthritis , Pulmonary disorders). Leaves and Roots use for treatments.It is has long creeping stems. Leaves rather spatulate, 4-8 mm. Flowerslary, solitary, subsessile. Corolla white, infundibular, tube 6-8 mm long. Capsule drupaceous, 1.6-3 mm long. Seeds linear oblong.

Scientific name: (Hunteria zeylanica) 

 This is a small glabrous tree. It is grow  0.6 – 1.6 cm long.  It ‘ Family name is “APOCYNACEAE”. It’s  leaf blade 4 – 16 cm long and 1 – 6 cm wide, broadest in or below the middle, obtuse or rounded at the base in the broad-leaved form, acute or obtuse in the narrow-leaved form; short- to long-acuminate with a narrowly triangular acumen up to 1.5 cm long or not at all acuminate but obtuse at the apex; coriaceous. Flowers strongly fragrant. Merocarps 1 – 2.7 cm long, yellow when ripe.

Scientific name:  (Hoya ovalifolia) 

   This is a Climbing and twining plant. it’s Family name is “ASCLEPIADACEAE”. Specially use this  for Fractures treatments.  It is herbaceous or scarcely7 woody epiphytes with rooting stems. Leaves fleshy, elliptic, rhomboid, 3-10 long, 2-6 cm wide. Cymes peduncled. Flowers numerous; corolla about 1 cm in diameter.

  Glory lily(Gloriosa superb).

         Usually this plant Grow in the forest. It has very beautiful flowers.  It’s Family name is “COLCHICACEAE”.  It is use for Ayurvedic treatments (Excessive Thirst, Pruritus, Abdominal Pains, Piles, Leprosy). Flowers , Leaves and Tubers use for treatments.It is Semi-woody, herbaceous, perennial, branching climber, reaching up to about 5 m highp; 1-4 stems arise from a single V-shaped fleshy cylindrical tuber. Leaves sessile, 5-15 cm long, 4-5 cm wide. Flowers 6-10 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, bright red with yellow margins to very pale yellow forms with a mauve or purple stripe; pale white forms also ocure. Fruit 6-12 cm long, 2-2.5 cm diameter, with about 20 seeds. Seeds globose, red.

Goose berry(Phyllanthus emblica)
                               This is very important tree to Ayurveda. It’s Family name is “EUPHORBIACEAE”.  This is a Fruits tree.This is use for much Ayurvedic treatments (Abdominal diseases , Menarrhagia , Leucorrhoea , Tuberculosis , Asthma , Coughs , Hemorrhoids , Mental disorders , Headaches , Skin diseases , Diabetes mellitus , Burning sensation ). Bark , Roots  and Fruits use to treatments. this deciduous tree to 15 m high, moecious; leaves on the main branches reduced to scales. Deciduous branchlets mostly 10-25 cm long, with 30-100leaves. Stipules triangular, 0.8-1.5 mm long.Leaf lamina 12-20 x (1-)2-5 mm; petiole 0.3-0.7 mm long. Inflorecences cymules in middle portion of deciduous branchlets, each of several males sometimes with 1 or 2 female flowers. Fruit a drupaceous tardily dehiscent capsule, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, epicarp whitish, endocarp about 1 cm in diameter; collumella trigonous,7-8 mm high. Seeds in unequal pairs, 3.9-4.5 mm long.

Guava (Psidium guajava).

          This is a Fruit tree. It’s Family name is “MYRTACEAE”.  Some people Guava sort as here . Killow guava, Red  guava, and much more. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments (Leucoderma patches , Cholera, Epilepsy, Rheumatism, Cachexia, Cerebral ailments, wounds, Styptic, Swollen gums,Pulmonary disorders, Coughs, Intestinal haemorrhages, Sprains, Dysentery, Diarrhoea). This is a small tree or shrub, grey and rust-brown bark and bright yellow-green crownwith hanging leaves and twigs; twigs sharply angled or winged. Leaf lamina 4-10x2.5-6 cm; nerves 7-15 pairs; petiole 2-7 mm long. Flower 3 cm diameter. Fruit exceeding 3 cm diameter when ripe.

 Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre).

       This plant’s Family name is “Gurmar” . This plant use for Ayurvedic treatments (Asthma , Coughs , Renal calculi , Venomous reptile bites , Hepatomegaly, Ascites, Eye diseases, Snake bites).  Root, Bark and Leaves use to treatments.This is a straggling woody plants with young parts puberulous to tomentose. Petiole 0.4-about 1.2 cm long. Leaf blade 2-about 6 cm long, rarely 8.5 cm long, and 1-3(-5.5) cm wide, pubescence to glabrous above, pubescence to tomentose beneath. Cymes umbel-like. Corolla about 0.3 cm in diameter. Merocarps 5-7 cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm in diameter, glabrous.