Tuesday, July 16, 2013

  Java galangal (Kaempferia galanga )

   This herb Family name is “ZINGIBERACEAE”.  This herb is use for many treatments. This is rhizomatous herbs. Stem short or more or less absent. Leaves few, sheaths open on one side; blades distichosly arranged, up to 15 x 10 cm, often with a narrow reddish edge above, paler below. Inflorescence sessile, of about 12 flowers. Bracts up to 4 x 1 cm. Corolla-tube 4.5-5 cm long; lobes white, at least 2 cm long; labellum about 2.5 cm broad, lobes white, with violet bands in basal half.

Wild tamarind (Leucaena leucocephala)

                  This is a tree. Some part of this tree  use to Ayurvedic treatments. This is unarmed tree , it is grow up to 9 m high. Rachis up to 20 cm long, petiole up to 7.5 cm long, swollen at the base, above the base a large concave gland. Pinnae about 6 pairs, 6-10 cm long; leaflets 10-20 pairs,10-15 x 3-4 cm. Peduncled heads solitary or in pairs. Peduncle pubescent, 4-6 cm long. Flowers numerous, white. Pod strap-shaped, straight, flat, up to 20 x 1.5 cm. Seeds 15-20, narrowly oval, glossy, 8 x 5 mm.

   Corn(Zea mays)

 This is a world famous plant. This plant has lot of  vitamins. It's family name is "POACEAE". This tree is tall annual with thick stems, these unbranched above the base and frequently developing prop roots from the lower nodes; culm leaves numerous, overlapping. Pistillate inflorescences produced in the axils of mid-culm leaves, with a mass of long silky styles protruding from the epex of the numerous husks. Mature grains becoming hard and bony.

  Gamboge(Garcinia xanthochymus ).

    It’s Family name is “CLUSIACEAE”. This is a tree. it is Grow  to 16 m high, usually much smaller with a dense, pyramidal crown. Leaves coriaceous, linear-oblong to oblong-lanceolate (rarely ovate), 4 X 12 – 10 X 35 cm, apex somewhat rounded, and tip sharply apiculate, base rounded to acute. Flowers in fascicles of 4 – 10 in axils of leaves or fallen leaves, on burrs with minute bracts. Fruit subglobose, pointed, dark yellow. Seeds oblong, brown, testa veined.

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