Tuesday, July 16, 2013

  Indian sarsparilla (Hemidesmus indicus)

  This is a very important herb for Ayurveda. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Piles, Asthma, Coughs, I Skin rashes,  Oedeama).this  is a slender, laticiferous, prostrate, twining herb, or sometimes semi-erect shrub; roots woody and aromatic; stems numerous, slender, terete, thickened at the nodes. Leaves opposite, short-petiolated, very variable, elliptic-oblong to linear-lanceolate. Inflorescences cymes. Flowers axillary, greenish outside, purplish inside.

LAMIACEAE(Plectranthus zatarhendi var. tomentosa)

 This plant’s Family name is “LAMIACEAE”. This is Perennial herb, it is  60-90 cm tall; stems so0mewhat prostrating, bluntly quadrangular, reddish and hairy. Leaves opposite, 5.3-6.5 cm long and broad, hairy on oth sides; petioles 2.5-3 cm long, reddish, hairy. Flowers light blue, 1 cm long, narrow, in whorls, -10 flowers in terminal racemes. Racemes 15-23 cm long. Corolla 2-lipped consisting of 5 segments. Fruit of 4, one-seeded achenes.

Scientific name:       (Phoenix pusilla)

  This plant’s Family name is “ARECACEAE”. This plant use for many Ayurvedic treatments. this is a dioecious palm, trunk 2.6-7 m high. Leaves pinnatisect; leaflets 17.5-20 cm long. Spathe 20-35 cm long. Spadix about 30 cm long, peduncle stout. Rachis of male flowers 10-15 cm long, of female flowers longer. Fruit about 1.2 cm long, 6 mm diameter, red, pericarp fleshy.

Scientific name:  (Strychnos potatorum)

  This is aTree. It’s Family name is “LOGANIACEAE”. This tree use for Ayurvedic treatments. It is  5-15 m tall, erect; Leaves sessile or subsessile; lamina 4-9.5 (-12) X 2.5- 6.25 cm, ovate to ovate- ell. iptic or ovate- lanceolate, apex acute or more rarely subacute to obtuse, base acute to rounded or obscurely subcordate, glabrous, somewhat glossy, 3-5 veined. Flowers greenish-yellow, slender pedicelled in small, compact axillary, small-bracteate cymes. Fruits 1.25-2 cm diam.,ripening blackish.

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