Thursday, July 18, 2013

Scientific name: (Hedyotis neesiana ).

 This is a herb. This herb’s Family name is  RUBIACEAE”.  leaves sub-sessile , variable in size and shape, coriaceous, above minutely scabrid on the margins, below minutely scabrid on the midrib, apex acute to acuminate, base merging in to the stipules. Flowers homostylous, subsessile or shortly pedicelled. Capsule globose to ovoid, slightly ribbed, dehiscence longitudinal from the apex. Seeds 6 – 15 per placenta, pale brown, somewhat smooth, slightly reticulate.

Scientific name: ( Hernandia nymphaeifolia)

  This is a evergreen tree. This plant’s seeds has a cover like a net.  It’s Family name is “HERNANDIACEAE”.It is grow up to 13 m tall. Leaves ovate, 10 – 20 X 8 – 20 cm, base rounded, rarely slightly cordate, apex acute to subacute, sometimes shortly acuminate, glabrous, shiny above and paler beneath. Inflorescence leafy, female flowers; white, staminodes 4, orange yellow; male flowers slightly smaller, texture and colour similar to that of female flowers. Fruit roundish or ellipsoid, with a transparent fleshy greenish involucer, open at the distal end. Seeds black with ridged testa.

Scientific name: ( Hibiscus furcatus).

  This is a scrambling or climbing plant.  It’s Family name is “MALVACEAE”.  It is use for few treatments (Wounds, Cysts). Flowers, Leaves and Roots use for treatments. It is semi-shrubby perennial, with a tomentose or glabrous stem set with numerous, scattered, sharp,hooked prickles. Leaves, with long petioles, simple, stipulate, 5-8cm long, deeply palmately cut into 3-5 laceolate, serrate segments, prickly on veins beneath. Flowers large, yellow with a dark crimson centre, 6.3-10 cm long, pedicels 2.5-7.5cm long, very prickly. Fruit a conical-ovoid capsule, 1.2 cm long, pointed, enclosed in a enlarged calyx which is covered with hairs.

Sea hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus)

  This is a tree. It Family name is “MALVACEAE”. Usually This is use for Ayurvedic treatments (Pulmonary diseases, Coughs, Bronchitis, Dysentery, Fever).  Leaves and Bark use for treatments. It is grow  up to 7 m or more, or profusely branched large shrub. Leaves suborbicular, deeply cordate at base, apex abruptly acuminate, lamina 11-15 X 10-14 cm, palmately veined from base, veins impressed above, slit like extra floral nectar at the base of vein. Flowers solitary, axillary, up to 9 cm in diameter, yellow with crimson to maroon-red center. Capsule (fruit) about 2 cm long. Widespread particularly along coasts.

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