Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bush sorrel (Hibiscus surattensis )

  This is a Herb or shrub. It is grow up to 1.5 m or more. This plant Family name is “MALVACEAE”. This is a special herb to Ayurveda. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments. ( Oedema, Fevers, subcutaneous parasitic infections, Venereal disease, Pulmonary diseases, Convulsions, Spasm, Epilepsy,Paralysis).  Fruits , Roots , and Leaves  use to treatments.This is stems slender, pubescent with hairs. Leaf lamina 4.5-9x5-11.5(-3) cm, deeply 3-5-palmately-lobed; petioles 4-10 cm long. Flowers yellow with purple centre, solitary, axillary, 10 cm diameter; pediciles up to 6 cm or more; corolla lobes 3-5 x1.5-4.5 cm . Capsule 12-15 x 10-12 mm.

  Barley (Hordeum vulgare)

 Barly Is world famous plant. It can cool down human body. It’s family name is “POACEAE”.It has lot of vitamins and Minerals. Some peole called this  White rice. the staple food in Japan, is a high glycemic index food. It can glucose levels were lower after meals when subjects switched from rice to barley. Much people drink this. It is small plant30-80 cm tall. It has 80- 102 seeds. 

 Ceylon hydrolea (Hydrolea zeylanica ).

  This plant’s family name is “HYDROPHYLLACEAE”. It is use few treatment(Callus ulcers). it is  herbaceous perennial, Soft, but flowering the first year from seed, therefore seemingly annual, 7 – 100 cm tall or more. Leaves glabrous or very thinly pubescent on the petiole, veiny below, lanceolate to elliptic, 2 – 12 cm long, 6 – 12 mm wide, on winged petioles up to 5 mm long. Flowers in irregularly bracted racemes or panicles, the inflorescence branches, pedicels, and calyces stipitate glandular. Fruit capsular, 4 – 4.5 mm high, septicidally dehiscent, seated in the persistent calyx. Seeds numerous, less than 0.5 mm long.

Marsh Barbel(Hygrophila schulli )

  This herb growing on wet places. It’s Family name is “ACANTHACEAE”.This herb is use for Ayurvedic Treatments(Rheumatism, Anasarca, Gonorrhoea, Hepatic diseases, Kidney stones, Oedema, Dysentery, Dysentery).This is Perennial herb of moist or wet places. Roots  and  seeds use to treatments. It is Stem erect, to 1.45 m high, armed with axillary spines to 2-7 cm long. Leaves in whorls of 6, elliptic lanceolate, acute at apex, entire at margins, hispid above. Flowers 6-8 in a whorl, bracts lanceolate, corolla purplish-blue, tube 1.7 cm long, stamens exerted. Capsule oblong-lanceolate, to 1 cm long; seeds orbicular, to 0.76 mm broad.

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