Monday, July 15, 2013

 Birdsville indigo (Indigofera linnaei )

       Family name is “FABACEAE”. It is Spreading or prostrate woody herb, 15–50 cm high with a long taproot. Leaves up to 3 cm long; leaflets alternate, mostly 7 or 9, obovate, 8–15 mm long, 2–5 mm wide, apex mucronate; stipules lanceolate, c. 5 mm long with broad, scarious margins. Inflorescences dense, to 2 cm long. Calyx covered with spreading, white hairs, teeth longer than the tube. Petals red. Pods oblong, 3–7 mm long, pointed at apex, silky; seeds usually 2; endocarp not spotted.

  Asian indigo(Indigofera trita )

   Family name is “FABACEAE”. It is Suffrutescent perennial, to about 1 m tall. Leaves pinnately 3-foliate; leaflets oblong to obovate, 5 – 10 (- 26) X 1.5 – 10 ( - 20) mm, obtuse or emarginated, glabrous to subglabrous above, appressed-pubescent beneath. Inflorescence axillary, spicate-racemose, subsessile, flowers salmon or brick-red. Fruit linear, straight, spiniform at the apex, 6 – 10 seeded.

 Water morning glory (Ipomoea aquatic)

 This is eating  much Countries  specially Chinese. And this is use for some treatments (Delirium , Fever , Ring worm infestation , Diabetes mellitus ).It’s Family name is “CONVOLVULACEAE”.This is the stem hollow, rooting at the nodes when floating or procumbent, glabrate. Leaves mostly hastate, 4-12 cm long, apically acute or obtuse, glabrascent. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or in few flowered cymes, glabrous. Flowers with pedicels 2-7 cm long; corolla purple or rarely white, 4-5 cm long, funnel form. Fruit capsular, or ovoid to globose, 8-10 mm long.

 sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas )

                      This is a very famous Vegetable like Potatoes. Usually All countries  specially Asian countries eat this. And this is use for treatments(Cancer , Atherosclerosis, Asthma, Miscarraige, Nausea, Diarrhoea). It’ s Family name is “CONVOLVULACEAE”.It is the stem usually somewhat succulent but sometimes slender and herbaceous; perennial, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves variable, from cordate, ovte, 5-10ncm long, glabrous or pubescent. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or in few flowered cymes, glabrous. Flowers absent in some varieties, if present on pedicels 3-12 m long; corolla with a lavender to purple-lavender, 4-7 cm long. Fruit rarely formed, ovoid, glabrous.

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