Thursday, July 18, 2013

 sun flower (Helianthus annuus)

  This is a very beautiful annual herb. It’s Family name is “ASTERACEAE”.   This herb use for many Ayurvedic Treatments(Rheumatic pains, Spider bites, Snake bites, Sores, Pulmonary Complaints, Malaria, High Fevers). Leaves, Seeds and Leaves use to treatments. It is 1-4 m tall. Leaves up to 21 cm long, 15 cm broad, cordate, margin dentate. Flower heads 7-15 cm diameter; peduncles solid; disc florets brown, ray- florets yellow; each flower about 7.5-12.5 cm across; disc florets smells musty. Achenes dark brown, 5-6 mm long. Pappus deciduous.

 Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)

 This is plant Family name is “CUCURBITACEAE”. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Jaundice, Tuberculosis , Coughs, Gonorrhea, Urinary difficulties , Gastritis, Headaches , Mental diseases, Excessive thirst , Arthritis, insomnia, Fevers). Whole climber , Seeds and Fruits use to treatments. It is tendril climber with6-angled stems. Leaves simple, 14-20 cm long, and as broad, ovate, deeply cordate at base, faintly 5-lobed, softly hairy, dentate; petioles about 9-13 cm long, pubescent. Flowers brownish white, monoecious. Fruit large, dumbbell-shaped, indehiscent. Seeds many, white, compressed, with a marginal groove.

Green taro (Colocasia esculenta) 

    This is a Tuberous or erect herbs. Stems thick (to 15 cm) , mostly this grow on wet place. It’s Family name is “ARACEAE”. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Aphthous ulcers, Insect stings, Piles, Otorrhoea, Earache, Arterial hemorrhages ). Corm , Petioles and Leaves use for treatments., spreading by coppery runners. Leaf blade cordate, peltate for 3 cm or more. Spathe c. 35cm long, green for lower 6 cm and persistent, blade bright yellow to orange, flexing open near base, then deflexing and dropped. Spadix to 30cm.

   Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

  This is a world famous tree. This is a very important  tree.  it’s Family name is  LYTHRACEAE”.  This is use for many products in the world and This is use for Ayurvedic treatments(Gonorrhoea , Leprosy, Skin diseases, Splenomegaly, Jaundice, Hysteria). Flowers , Bark , Root and Leaves use for treatments. large shrub, sometimes lateral branches end in spines. Flowers in terminal cymose panicles. Petals cream. Fruit is a capsule, brown when mature. Commonly grown as a hedge plant. Leaves yield a dye used as a manicure.

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