Tuesday, July 16, 2013

 Ginger(Zingiber officinale)

         This is a very important plant.  Mostly used Rhizom or this plant.  This is use for much Ayurvedic treatments(Hypothermia, Dysurea, Anaemia, Skin diseases, Rheumatism, Heart diseases, Hiccups, Anorexia, Swellings, Dropsy, Diarrhoea , Fevers, Colds, Abdominal pains, Vomiting, Flatulence, Dyspepsia). Rhizom and Leaves use to treatments. This plant family name is “ZINGIBERACEAE”. Rhizomatous herbs. Leafy stems up to 2 m. Leaf sheaths open on one side; blades distichosly arranged, sessile, up to 15 x 1.5 cm, ligule 2-4 mm long, membranous. Peduncle up to 25 cmlong. Inflorescence 4-5 x about 2 cm. Bracts about 2.5 x 2 cm, green. Corolla-tube about 2.5 cm long; lobes dull yellow, up to 2 x 1 cm; labellum dull dark purple.

Scientific name:   (Walidda antidysenterica)

   This is a flower tree . it’s Family neme is  “APOCYNACEAE”. It is a slender, glabrous, treelet 0.7-2 m tall. Petiole 0.1-0.6 cm long. Leaf blade 4-11 cm long and 1-4 cm wide. Flowers in poor , short-peduncled, monochasially branched, cymes. Corolla pure white; tube 1.7-2.8 cm long. Merocarps 9-15 cm long, about 0.5 cm broad, glabrous.

Scientific name:      (Callicarpa tomentosa)

  This plant’s Family name is “VERBENACEAE”. This is shrub or small, slender, and bushy tree, 2 – 12 m tall. Leaves decussate-opposite,leaf blades subcoriaceous-chartaceous, ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, 15 – 23 cm long, 7.5 – 15 cm wide, dark green above, grey beneath, apically acuminate or attenuate-acuminate, basally rounded, often cordate or even acute at the very base, entire or slightly repand and minutely denticulate along the margins. Inflorescences axillary, cymose. Fruit drupaceous, globose, at first green, later dark purple or black.

 Spear grass (Imperata cylindrical)

    This tree use for many Treatments. It’s Family name is “POACEAE”.  This tree  is 10-120 cm tall, the culm bases and rhizomesare deeply buried; the nodes usually pilose, the hairs 1-9 mm long. The leaf blades 6-70 cm long, 2-15 mm wide; ligule 0.5-2.2 mm long. Panicle 3-24 cm long, 10-25 mm wide, including the hairs, silvery white. Spikelets 2.6-4.1 mm long, silky white hairs 10-15 mm long.

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