Thursday, July 18, 2013

Scientific name: (Hedyotis fruticosa)

   RUBIACEAE” is Family name of this tree.this is a Shrub or small tree, 4 m high. Leaves (4-) 1-4 cm, drying yello-green to brown. Petiole up to 1 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, cymose. Flowers heterostylous. Corolla infudibular, tube 2-3 mm long. Capsule globose, 2-3 x 1.5-2. mm. Seeds 3-6(-9), dark brown.

Scientific name:  (Hibiscus micranthus) 
This plant’s Family name is “MALVACEAE”. This plant use for many Ayurvedic treatments(Venereal Diseases, Mucosal Diseases, Insanity, Ear Diseases, Venomous stings, Stomach Diseases, Kidney Diseases)and more. Specially Some people use this plant used for snake bites.

Haldu(Haldina cordifolia)

   This is a deciduous tree. It’s family name is “RUBIACEAE”. This is use for few Ayurvedic treatments(Dysentery, Sores). Bark and Leaves use to treatments. It is  7-30(-40) m tall, bole often buttressed, fluted, bark reddish brown. Leaves (5-)8-16 (-25) x (5-)8-16(-21) cm, usually drying pallid to yellowish green . Petiole 2-12 cm long. Flowering heads yellowish. Corolla 7-9 mm long, tube 5-6 mm long. Fruitlets 4-5 mm long. Seeds ovoid, bilaterally flattened’.

Scientific name:  (Heritiera littoralis)

    This is a mangrove tree. It’s Family name is  STERCULIACEAE”. It is grow up to 4-15 m tall. Leaves oblong-ovate to elliptic-ovate and 9-20 cm long; leaf tip pointed or blunt, the base usually rounded, the upper surface smooth and shining, and the lower surface densely covered with small, round, pale or silvery-white scales. Flowers numerous, yellowish-green, bell-shaped, about 5 mm long, usually 5-toothed and borne on hairy panicles 7-15 cm long. Fruit is hard and shining, woody, smooth, broadly boat-shaped, 4-8 cm long, and keeled.

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