Tuesday, July 16, 2013

  Glory lily(Gloriosa superb).

         Usually this plant Grow in the forest. It has very beautiful flowers.  It’s Family name is “COLCHICACEAE”.  It is use for Ayurvedic treatments (Excessive Thirst, Pruritus, Abdominal Pains, Piles, Leprosy). Flowers , Leaves and Tubers use for treatments.It is Semi-woody, herbaceous, perennial, branching climber, reaching up to about 5 m highp; 1-4 stems arise from a single V-shaped fleshy cylindrical tuber. Leaves sessile, 5-15 cm long, 4-5 cm wide. Flowers 6-10 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, bright red with yellow margins to very pale yellow forms with a mauve or purple stripe; pale white forms also ocure. Fruit 6-12 cm long, 2-2.5 cm diameter, with about 20 seeds. Seeds globose, red.

Goose berry(Phyllanthus emblica)
                               This is very important tree to Ayurveda. It’s Family name is “EUPHORBIACEAE”.  This is a Fruits tree.This is use for much Ayurvedic treatments (Abdominal diseases , Menarrhagia , Leucorrhoea , Tuberculosis , Asthma , Coughs , Hemorrhoids , Mental disorders , Headaches , Skin diseases , Diabetes mellitus , Burning sensation ). Bark , Roots  and Fruits use to treatments. this deciduous tree to 15 m high, moecious; leaves on the main branches reduced to scales. Deciduous branchlets mostly 10-25 cm long, with 30-100leaves. Stipules triangular, 0.8-1.5 mm long.Leaf lamina 12-20 x (1-)2-5 mm; petiole 0.3-0.7 mm long. Inflorecences cymules in middle portion of deciduous branchlets, each of several males sometimes with 1 or 2 female flowers. Fruit a drupaceous tardily dehiscent capsule, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, epicarp whitish, endocarp about 1 cm in diameter; collumella trigonous,7-8 mm high. Seeds in unequal pairs, 3.9-4.5 mm long.

Guava (Psidium guajava).

          This is a Fruit tree. It’s Family name is “MYRTACEAE”.  Some people Guava sort as here . Killow guava, Red  guava, and much more. This is use for Ayurvedic treatments (Leucoderma patches , Cholera, Epilepsy, Rheumatism, Cachexia, Cerebral ailments, wounds, Styptic, Swollen gums,Pulmonary disorders, Coughs, Intestinal haemorrhages, Sprains, Dysentery, Diarrhoea). This is a small tree or shrub, grey and rust-brown bark and bright yellow-green crownwith hanging leaves and twigs; twigs sharply angled or winged. Leaf lamina 4-10x2.5-6 cm; nerves 7-15 pairs; petiole 2-7 mm long. Flower 3 cm diameter. Fruit exceeding 3 cm diameter when ripe.

 Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre).

       This plant’s Family name is “Gurmar” . This plant use for Ayurvedic treatments (Asthma , Coughs , Renal calculi , Venomous reptile bites , Hepatomegaly, Ascites, Eye diseases, Snake bites).  Root, Bark and Leaves use to treatments.This is a straggling woody plants with young parts puberulous to tomentose. Petiole 0.4-about 1.2 cm long. Leaf blade 2-about 6 cm long, rarely 8.5 cm long, and 1-3(-5.5) cm wide, pubescence to glabrous above, pubescence to tomentose beneath. Cymes umbel-like. Corolla about 0.3 cm in diameter. Merocarps 5-7 cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm in diameter, glabrous.

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