Monday, July 15, 2013

   Vanilla (fragrans)

This  Plant’s family name is “ORCHIDACEAE”. It has a rich flaver and attractive smell.  Vanilla is a most popular flavor in the World. It is Climber, stems branched, growing on trees and shrubs; stems climb 3-25 m. Leaves, about 15 cm long. Flowers many in racemes; yellow-green, about 1.5 cm across, with yellow-haired lips. Pods pendulous, cylindrical, 15-25 cm long. Small  brown Seeds.This is use for make many flavers and make some sweets.

Australian bottle plant (Jatropha podagrica)

This is very impotent herbs for Ayurveda. Specially  use Snake bites .It’s Family name is “EUPHORBIACEAE”. It is Erect shrubs to 2 m tall, with woody stem swollen at base or lower part; branches stout and short, fleshy, sparsely lenticellate. Leaf blade peltate, rotund to elliptic, 8-18(-25) × 6-16 cm, nitid green adaxially, gray-green abaxially, glabrous on both surfaces, base truncate or obtuse, margin entire or shallowly 2-6-lobed, apex obtuse. Inflorescences terminal. Capsules ellipsoidal, 1.3-1.8 × ca. 1.5 cm, with 3 longitudinal grooves. Seeds ca. 1.1 cm, smooth. Fl. and fr. almost throughout year.

Burmann´s sundew (Drosera burmannii ).

  It’s family name is “DROSERACEAE”. It is An annual herb, spans only about 2 cm diameter, one of the fastest trapping sundews as well, and its leaves can curl around an insect in only a few seconds. Leaf wedge-shaped, 8–10 mm long, 5–6 mm wide. Inflorescence racemose, 6-15 cm tall, flowers produced in groups of 3-10, each group bears 1-3 flowers.

Amar bell(Cuscuta reflexa)

This plant’s  family name is “CONVOLVULACEAE”. It is use for  Many Ayurvedic treatments (Bilious Disorders, Liver Disorders, Flatulence, Fevers). It is Leafless, twining, parasitic annual with coarse stems up to 2.5 cm in diameter, pale green or yellowhish-green. Inflorescence of small subglobose groups or racemose. Flowers sessile or very shortly pedicellate, five sepals in a cupulate calyx, Corolla white or cream, campanulate-tubular, 6-10mm long, filaments very short, ovary superior, style solitary & shorter than elongated stigmas, Fruits capsular, depressed globose, dehiscent by a ring near the base, seeds dull black.

Scientific name: (Wissadula periplocifolia)

This plant’s  family name is “MALVACEAE”. Annual or perennial, stout, woody herb or appearent undershrub, 0.5 – 2 m tall. Leaves lamina 3 – 15 X 0.5 – 7 cm, lanceolate, rarely ovate, long acuminate, mucronate, base shallowly cordate to truncate, entire, sparsely stellate-hairy to glabrous above, densely white or yellow tomentose beneath, 5-veined from base. Flowers; lower solitary, axillary, upper in large, terminal panicles up to 40 cm. mericarps c. 7 mm long including mucronc. 1 mm long, with distinct, transverse constrictions. Seeds 1, 5 - 2 mm wide, irregularly globular to subreniform, densely covered with minute, white, simple and stellate hairs.

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